Broken Dams

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About Driftless Devotions

"Publish His glorious deeds among the nations. Tell everyone about the amazing things He does."
- Psalm 96:3

As a child of God created in His image, God has given me great joy in witnessing his truth in his creation around me. I relish time in the outdoors because everything I experience points me to Christ and draws me closer to Him. These devotions seek to do the same for you by illuminating scriptural truths standing before us, where he has planted us.

I am a wife and a mother, and the focus of my ministry lies in those two roles. I have served people and the Lord in a number of opportunities. Both in and outside the church, in and outside this country, and in and outside my heart. At each opportunity I am grateful to shine the light of Christ, but I've come to realize that nothing prepares a heart more for the gospel than the love of a parent and spouse.

The joy of my ministry is my family, and I'd like to bring you along to show you the experiences Christ has given me, and share new ones with you along the way. Join me in drawing closer to our God.

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